Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sorry I Haven't Posted....

Things have been very busy around here this weekend, we decided to repaint our living room and hallway I had it yellow and decided I didn't really like it very well. So now it is a dark beige.
My father in law was admitted into the hospital last night with pnemonia (sp?) they plan to keep him a couple of days before they release him. And since he is sick I have been working with Claud, I am not too much help but just enough to make life easier than only having one person...I am a good gopher!
Cj was the victim of an icicle attack Sat. morning also he has a small puncture on his forehead and a lump and he also learned that I was right and ice can be sharp and hurt you.
My big plan for today is to try to catch up on the laundry and watch the race....hopefully I won't fall asleep in the middle of it like I normally do.
So until next time adios!

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