Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Another Snow Day

Well I managed to get to bed a lot earlier last night...I went to bed at 7pm, I wasn't feeling very good sore throat and whatnot so I figured I had better take some nyquil and head to bed.
So out of bed I popped at 6 am and came out to turn on the tv and saw school had been cancelled. Again Cj is pretty happy! I think that they are going to be working on some chores today so that they can have a good payday on Friday. Last night Dillion came to me piggy bank in hand and said I am missing my 2 dollars, so we promptly searched Cj and found he had 2 dollars in his pocket, of course they weren't Dillions? So we had a talk with our oldest about the fact that if he did more chores he could have dollars too but he was not to steal them from Dillion. Then I taught Dillion how to hide his bank.
We are learning that trying to teach kids about money is a hard thing to do, but they are slowing catching on to the fact that if they do the work they get the money and if not, well their piggy bank remains empty.
Our morning is just beginning so I don't have much else to tell at the moment. Hope you all have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

:) I found it!! Yes, Emilee gets quite upset when there is no school too. Poor kids! Hope your day goes smooth. I'm battling a migraine and hoping for a nap. Probably just wishful thinking at this point though! I'll be reading along on your crazy ride of parenting!! -Bec