Thursday, February 7, 2008

I amaze myself....

I was right it is another snow day! The nice part was they called it off last night so I didn't have to get out of bed to see there was no school. So my oldest son has decided it will be a money making chore day...which is fine by me :) Dillion is just working on a puzzle, and Savannah is laying around like she has for the last two days....she has a little bit of a cough, not terribly sick but enough to make her pretty unambitous. I feel so bad for her. It seems that this crap is going around pretty much all over the place, my sister and my dad both have it and I haven't been feeling all that well either. Well I am off to cuddle Savannah some more...she doesn't like to be away from her mom too much when she is ill.

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

Hope Savannah feels better soon!! It has been horrible around here!

Does CJ go to WP? or WW? I never saw WW called last night on the three different websites and the news I watched.

Hope all is well with you guys! Stay warm.