Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Low Sleep Night Coming...

As I sit here typing away it is 2 in the morning, my family is all sound asleep...and I am wide awake with all these emotions and thoughts flooding through me. I am nervous to find out our results on this house. It is a very stressful thing, I am ok with the idea of not getting the house...I am actually more nervous to be selected. Don't get me wrong I would be THRILLED beyond any explanation, but the thought of packing and moving is scaring me along with the thought of having to try to sell the place here in the trailer park. We have had to sell a place here before it took 7 months at $300 a month in rent, we sold it for 2500....a profit of zero....since we paid 2100 in rent and we had paid 3000 in the beginning for it.
I am not even looking at making a profit on this place in fact I know I will not get what I paid for it back out of it. Not if I want to sell it in a timely fashion.
Anyway, that is just one of the many things I have thought of lately....probably worrying for nothing that is me though always in the what if's in life.
Well, I really need to get in bed now the sleeping pills I finally broke down and took are kicking in and I keep having to retype to you all soon.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hmmm....wondering out loud

So today was our home interview with the folks from Habitat for Humanity, it was a nice chat. I learned a little more that I didn't know about them and got to meet two very nice ladies.
After they left I got to thinking about the different things people have said to me about us applying for this house. I wish that they all knew what was involved with becoming a partner family (which we are not as of yet)
So I thought I would write it all out for people to see.
Step One: You happen to get lucky enough to see that Habitat is accepting applications for homeownership.
Step Two: You contact your local Habitat affiliate and get an application.
Step Three: You fill out a lengthy application.
Step Four: You wait nervously. (lol)
Step Five: You send more information to Habitat
Step Six: You wait nervously again (lol)
Step Seven: If you have made it this far you are very are scheduled for a home interview.
Step Eight: A home interview is conducted by commitee members to assess your need for a house.
Step Nine: You wait again....(this is the step we are on)
Step Ten: Either your family is selected or they are not....let's say they are...
Path to homeownership:
You complete 300hours (per adult family member) of sweat equity not only on your home but on others homes also so that they may experience home ownership.
You are also required to take classes on finances and home ownership.
Then you must give a down payment of X number of dollars
You then take on a mortgage with a no interest loan, and repay it.

My problem is this I think a LOT of people think that Habitat gives these homes away...they do not, this is a myth. The homes are for low income families to give them a hand UP not a hand OUT.
I am praying that we will be selected of course, but I also will be just as happy to know that even if it isn't us that gets that house, someone who really needed it for their family will.

I am sorry to just rattle on and on, but I wanted to share a little of our personal life with you all. I normally wouldn't tell anyone about this sort of thing, but I am not ashamed to say we are trying to better our lives for our kids!
*stepping off my podieum to go to bed now g'night*

Monday, July 28, 2008

Not a Good Day

Have I mentioned before how much I hate my kids getting sick? It puts me in such a bad spot I can only do so much to help them and I feel, well helpless! A few ddaays ago Savannah had a fever for about a half a day. We gave her tylenol and by the next morning she was fine. Today I was woke up by Dillion who said "my tummy doesn't feel so good" in my sleepy haze I felt his head and it was indeed warm so I told him to lay down with me. He did and fell asleep for about another hour or Dillion is my very up and adem boy, so him going back to sleep was a sure sign he is not well. The rest of today he has been laying around with a cool washcloth and of course I gave him tylenol for the fever, well about an hour ago he threw up all over him and the couch (luckily I didn't join him but it was close)
So I gave him a bath and put him in some jammies and he has been asleep in my bed since he got out of the tub. Poor kid, I have to leave him to go to work in a half an hour so he will be left with Daddy, I hope that Claud will wait on him tonight as I have been today.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Weekend!

I am just now home from "work" if that is what you call the one night a week that I fill in at my Dad's resturant. Anyway, it is 11:30pm, I hate Mondays because I am not tired when I get home and know it will be midnight or later before I hit the shower and get ready for bed. What a perfect time to blog!

Our weekend was long to say the least. Friday night we went and got CJ's birthday present, and Claud fitted for his tux. We finally got back home at 9 or so that night, then we had to be up at 8 to get ready to head north to a friends cabin (about an hour or two away) which is a short ride with just us but with the 3 kids and the boys arguing it made for a LONG trip. We did what needed to be done there, then went to my sister's cabin which is another hour or so the time we got there I was wore out and so was Claud, so after some prodding we decided to stay the night (note to self: too damn old to sleep on air mattress lol)
*Finishing this up Tues. morning*
Then we got up on Sunday morning and headed home, we had a party for Cj planned for 3pm...his party went well. He got an Xbox from us (used the original of course) and a couple games, my mom got him a few games for it, and he got some cool new clothes from my mother in law. After a long afternoon of swimming, we finally got to go home to stay!

I start classes today (Tuesday) at Baker for math...hoping to test out of the low level math they have me in...and if I don't at least I will have taken something to help me with my math skills as it has been so long since I was in school and most of what I learned there has since flown from my brain.

Well Miss Savannah has just woken up and I have a bathroom to scrub and laundry to do so I better get going. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just Rattling family update stuff!

This has been a rather unexciting week around here, just the way I like it! I have been keeping up on the housework which makes it very easy to get things done during the day. I can pick up and throw in some laundry and then I have the rest of the day to myself with the kids! This has been a blessing for me, since it is insanely hot this week!
This weekend is pretty full of plans for us, on Saturday we are going to a family friends cottage to check out some work that he wants done next summer! At first it was supposed to be my father in law and hubby going but that was before I invited myself and the kids to go along:)
Also on Saturday is Mister CJ's 7th birthday, and trust me I have been reminded daily how many days until his birthday all week long ;) We are planning a pool party on Sunday at my parents as normal, that is the great thing about these summer birthdays...they are able to have pool parties!
I think Friday night we are going to get his birthday present, and get Claud fitted for a tux. He is in my nephews wedding in a month...along with me and Savannah!
This summer the kids have been running all over our street and making new friends left and right! We have had very few problems with them doing this, and the times they took off a little too far they have been stuck for a day in our yard, this has seemed to get the point across fairly well! Dillion spends 3/4 of the day outside, Cj spends 3/4 of the day inside...he says he is a bump on a log. As for me and Van, we go outside together most of the time visiting with the neighbor. I have decided that when our family leaves this park, we will all be very bored people!
I am not sure if I mentioned it on here or not yet, but our family did apply to Habitat for Humanity this year, they are still working on their selection process which includes a home visit that should be occuring next week, I am not sure but I think that is one of the final steps in their selection process and we have made it that far...we may not get this home but we will be in the files and won't have to reapply in future years with them to be considered. I am sure there are people that have been on the list longer than us, so I am not counting on us being selected. I am however thrilled to have learned so much about the organization while dealing with them, it gives you a whole new appreciation for what they are all about.
Well I think that is about all I have to talk about so I suppose I better get somethings done around here for now!
Have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, July 11, 2008

I Am a College Student

Now it is official, I am a registered student in college! I will be going to school,Monday through Wednesday as of this point, with 3 classes. I am debating adding one more to that and changing things up a bit which would put me going Saturdays also...I don't have to take it to be full time, but it is a class in my major. My advisor told me if I follow the step plan they have it will take me three years to get through, and of course I have to do all the pre-req's before I can apply to the surg. tech. program. I would like to take that class only because I am not 100% sure that this is what I want to do (surg tech) and I hope by taking a class dealing with that I will know a little better.
Tonight is another date night for Claud and I! We are going to the races, we go once a year these isn't like it used to be for us. There are less people that we know that race, but we do enjoy going on this night. It should be nice, we like this alone is good for our souls! ;)
Well I have to get on with the laundry and pick up a little, then make a list for my niece for cleaning etc....she wants to make extra to clean and babysit so she can go to a concert next weekend! I am all for that!
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Weather

I hate it when the weather is like it has been the last two days, I am extra tired...yet for some strange reason in one of my "super mom" kicks. That is what I call it when I am running around and cleaning up after the kids all day long, doing a small stack of dishes, and cooking big meals for the family (which is normally whatever is easy to make)
I am at the moment waiting for chicken to cook that I just put on the will be awhile yet, an hour or so.
Dillion has spent the last 20 minutes distributing popsicles to every kid in the neighborhood, which I don't mind too much since the other moms give my kids stuff a lot too! Oh and the neighbr guy down the road who always has candy to give the kids even though his kids are all grown up and gone now.
Cj has been playing on the computer and Savannah is well being a 2 year old, she is wanting to drive me crazy I think...but I am ok with it.
As for me I am off to search ebay for a game system for around here as that is what CJ really wants for his birthday which is coming up VERY soon. And mom can't afford new at the moment.

Monday, July 7, 2008


I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Ours was fairly full of fun. On Friday night we went to my parents and had dinner, hung out and did fireworks in the backyard. Most of the family was there, and we ended being able to sit back and enjoy a few (too many) adult beverages which hardly happens, which allowed us to relax and be super silly, we were all responsible however and got sober rides home!
Saturday, I woke up to a ringing phone as I had to return one family member to their car at my parents. When I go there my mom and I decided to head into town to get the chairs to finish off my new patio set. (The best part of my weekend) I got a nice little setup for under $150. That would be the 2nd great deal in a few weeks for me, the other being my $250 digital camera that was clearanced to $80!!!!
Anyway, after I got back we hung here for awhile, then headed to the in laws for a bonfire and weenie roast. Claud, Me, My father in law, and sister in law played a few games of horseshoes...decided we aren't real good at it, but we tried! It was fun anyway to laugh at each other. We didn't stay there too late, I think we were home by 10.
Then on Sunday, I locked us into the house until all the housework was done that I needed done, that was all done by 1pm or so, I laid Savannah down for her nap and then was able to half catch one for myself. Sunday afternoon we were back at my parents for awhile, ate lunch and the kids swam. I ended up taking Claud back home so he could take off and mow some paths in the woods where we hunt, he had asked all day and I figured he had been nice to help me with the housework so I let him loose from family fun day lol!
So that was our fun weekend, and now it is Monday and back to reality. I have lots of laundry to do and I also get to work tonight at the resturant, so I better get my butt in gear.
Have a nice week!
*On a side note, Thursday is my Baker orientation!!!*