Wednesday, October 1, 2008

School Update

This week has been so different from normal for me, I feel like I am on the go all the time...of course that could be because I am! I have been up at 6 every morning, and I know right now there are people reading this going...."welcome to my world" and that is fine, but 6 a.m. is not in my world dang it! But I feel very proud of myself that I have been up and on time every morning and excited to go and learn something new. Tomorrow is my last day for the week, but also the day when I have more running to do, since I have to go to get my tabs after school.
I am going to be picking up my Comp 1 book soon and reading the things we were assigned, although I do have all weekend to get them read, I am so not a put it off person so far with this school stuff, which I think is going to drive my husband nuts. I think he is starting to miss me. Last night I was working on my work for the class I have tomorrow, and he was like "can you tell her to not assign so much it is taking away my time!" I have no idea what any of my family will do when I have a job!
Anyway, other than one instructor that I am not sure how I really feel about yet, school seems to be going good for me.
I hope you all have a great week!

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