Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I want to know where the magical fairies are that are supposed to clean this house??? So far this morning they haven't shown up so I guess I will have to do it myself! Speaking of stuff that sucks around here....my dryer is broke and my dishwasher is smoking....how come everything has to break at once in a house?? The dishwasher is not a must have I can do them by hand (I don't like to but I can) But the dryer yep that is a must have, with 5 of us it piles quickly...I took I don't know how many bags to the laundromat yesterday :( The bad part is there is still more here waiting to be done and a few bags already loaded in the van to do today. It never ends, I have no clue how I am going to keep up with all this and go to school full time? Although I know someone who does it and has 2 more kids than I do.....Bec you're my hero lol
Well I suppose I should make an effort to clean today....have a great day!!!

1 comment:

One of the Bunch said...

Aww, Thanks Mandy!

It's quite difficult to keep up with the laundry here too. I don't think everything has been done 100% unless we were going on vacation or I was going to the hospital. Those are two places I don't want to come home from and have to deal with tons of laundry! Even on vacation, I try to wash the dirty laundry before we head home if there is laundry facilities. Remember my new washer I JUST got? Yeah, well we are waiting for the repairman to come fix it as it's under warranty and the boot (seal) has already TORN! Furious doesn't even explain my anger level at the moment! Hope you're able to catch up on the laundry too! I fear the laundrymat is soon to be my friend unless this guy shows up pronto! Have a great day!