Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

We went and picked up my new used dryer today! Claud is trying to hook it all up right now for me, he is such a good husband I tell ya'.
My spa party went well, I had 5 people that came and we had a good time, everyone left nice and sleepy from their relaxation product demos! Plus they all ordered enough that when it came time for me to pay for mine I didn't owe anything and I had a $60 order. Got me some acne stuff hopefully I will keep on using it!
I have been wondering lately if I am the only woman in the world that feels the way I do about my family and my home life? Like I am the one that does it all around here, I have to do the cleaning and I hate cleaning with a passion! I am trying to get to that spring cleaning thing and have been trying to go room by room doing the general pick up so that I can deep clean but the minute I get done with one room and move to the next when I come back the clean room is dirty again! It is annoying I tell you!
So I have mandated to my family that tomorrow is our family cleaning day....nobody goes anywhere until it is DONE! That includes watching toons, no watching Hot Rod TV or whatever that crap is! Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest but it isn't gonna be on my watch!
Well I just thought I would pop on and vent a bit thank you for reading!

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