Thursday, July 17, 2008

Just Rattling family update stuff!

This has been a rather unexciting week around here, just the way I like it! I have been keeping up on the housework which makes it very easy to get things done during the day. I can pick up and throw in some laundry and then I have the rest of the day to myself with the kids! This has been a blessing for me, since it is insanely hot this week!
This weekend is pretty full of plans for us, on Saturday we are going to a family friends cottage to check out some work that he wants done next summer! At first it was supposed to be my father in law and hubby going but that was before I invited myself and the kids to go along:)
Also on Saturday is Mister CJ's 7th birthday, and trust me I have been reminded daily how many days until his birthday all week long ;) We are planning a pool party on Sunday at my parents as normal, that is the great thing about these summer birthdays...they are able to have pool parties!
I think Friday night we are going to get his birthday present, and get Claud fitted for a tux. He is in my nephews wedding in a month...along with me and Savannah!
This summer the kids have been running all over our street and making new friends left and right! We have had very few problems with them doing this, and the times they took off a little too far they have been stuck for a day in our yard, this has seemed to get the point across fairly well! Dillion spends 3/4 of the day outside, Cj spends 3/4 of the day inside...he says he is a bump on a log. As for me and Van, we go outside together most of the time visiting with the neighbor. I have decided that when our family leaves this park, we will all be very bored people!
I am not sure if I mentioned it on here or not yet, but our family did apply to Habitat for Humanity this year, they are still working on their selection process which includes a home visit that should be occuring next week, I am not sure but I think that is one of the final steps in their selection process and we have made it that far...we may not get this home but we will be in the files and won't have to reapply in future years with them to be considered. I am sure there are people that have been on the list longer than us, so I am not counting on us being selected. I am however thrilled to have learned so much about the organization while dealing with them, it gives you a whole new appreciation for what they are all about.
Well I think that is about all I have to talk about so I suppose I better get somethings done around here for now!
Have a GREAT weekend!

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