Saturday, February 21, 2009


Oh it is Saturday afternoon and there is still so much to do, I fear that the painting projects that I hoped would get done this weekend will not, this is my own fault believe me! I have been quite lazy today..I "napped" this is in quotes because I never sleep in the day in this house the kids and hubby are way too loud for that. So I wasn't up and helping and then I took off for a half hour so yeah Claud started stuff alone(which I appreciate, but he really shouldn't have to do it all on his own)
Shortly we will be leaving for the Blue and Gold Banquet for Cubscouts! CJ will be getting a trophy for the Pinewood Derby that he did a month ago, so that is very exciting for him. I will try to add a post with Photos for that if I get time.
Tonight I also get to sit down with a Medical Journal article and write a 2pg summary...this is not on my top 10 list of enjoyments! It is so hard to read and understand these articles. Also our class was advised to re write the two that we have done as some of the class copied things word for word and you aren't supposed to do this (which I knew)
Well have a good rest of your weekend!

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