Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So yesterday I had to take Claud's dog to the vet for her shots...I haven't gotten her license yet and need to do so before I get a nice little ticket. Anyway, I loaded her up in the van and headed to the vet's office. Now she had vomited a little around the house, which is not that unusual...but on the way over she did it all over my backseat which was gross to say the least. But it also made me decide that I should have them make sure she isn't ill before they go poking her with vacc's.
So she gets all checked over and the vet decides yep she is good to go on getting her shots, but here is an injection for the vomiting and diarreha...and here are some pills and here is some wormer...ch-ching, ch-ching, ch-ching.....this is the sound I am hearing. Now don't get me wrong if it will make the spoiled little(47#) puppy feel better I am all for it. I get my bill....$80.00...although the shots that I was actually there for were $33.00.
So I have come up with a new priceless commercial:

Doggie Exam: $20.00
Home Meds.: $7.00
Vaccinations: $33.00
Injections: $15.00
Worming: $5.00
All this for a dog that will only come home and eat something else that will upset her tummy.......priceless!!!!
Cause I know this is what will happen as she eats EVERYTHING!!! Shoes, diapers, sippy cups....the list goes on and on....
On a positive note I can now get her license and have her all legal and registered here in the park...and not worry about what will happen if she gets lost for whatever reason.

Well that is about all I have for today, I am off now to clean and whatnot...that is my goal today, to get the cleaning all done since I will be off on a field trip all day with Dillion tomorrow!

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